About Me

Hi, my name is Erika & I was born and raised in Florida. I attended Florida Gulf Coast University and have since gained diverse experience in various industries. I have successfully owned and operated a small business, managed in the food and beverage sector, and held HR positions within Fortune 500 e-commerce companies.

I now help individuals and families plan for their financial security, both for the present and the future. Transitioning from a career in HR to the finance world has equipped me with a unique perspective on addressing the diverse needs of clients. I've dedicated significant time to researching and collaborating with a seasoned team, partnering with reputable companies known for their top-notch financial products. I am excited to introduce their extensive portfolio to you, offering comprehensive solutions tailored to your needs. My goal is to provide you with unparalleled protection and effective retirement planning, ensuring a secure and confident future. 

In my spare time, I love to be around friends & family, enjoy any body of water, and have a passion for old movies and popcorn. I love to cook, explore local restaurants and hangout with my dog, Dexxter, my best friend.

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